Greatest obstacle to following your heart?…

In one word I would say, the greatest obstacle to following your heart is FEAR. Even if you manage to realize that the only way to obtain peace and happiness in your life is through following your heart (following your calling) , you are sometimes overcome with such an overwhelming feeling of “something” in which you might feel physically, emotionally and/or spiritually blocked or in some cases even paralyzed. I don’t know whether or not this is a necessary step or something that is universally felt, I just know that it is very real and it is the place where I am right now.

My journey through life has brought me to this point: I must follow my heart or else I will die, or to put it less dramatically, my soul will die and I will end up becoming bitter towards life. Almost exactly two years ago I graduated from pharmacy school and  became a licensed pharmacist. And although in the eyes of many people, I seemed to have a “bright future”, I never felt further away from my purpose in life than in the moment when school was over and it was time to get into the “real world”, start making money and to start paying back my (rather hefty) student loans. I kept asking my self, is this it? Is this what life is about … growing up, getting a safe job that comes with the added benefit of “helping people and saving lives”? If so, why do I feel like I want to click the “undo button” on life, instead of feeling alive, happy, passionate and in love?  If I am successful, and close to the “American Dream”, why do I feel so empty inside, especially when I am standing behind the counter with a white coat on? Why do I feel like running away, or crying every time a customer asks me for a recommendation on what medication to take, or what the side effects of the medication will be? Why do I feel like I am harming this person, or not being truthful, even though I am reiterating everything I learned and everything according to EBM (evidence-based medicine)?

Now I would like to take the time to clarify and say that I am not anti-medicine or anti-pharmacy, I believe that, like everything in life, pharmacy and medicine has its place in the world and that we definitely need more of loving/caring and aware doctors and pharmacists!!!!! That being said, I don’t believe that drugs and doctors alone can “save lives”. How can we be certain that someone has lived due to  a certain drug or a certain medical procedure? How can you convince me that increased mortality is something we can claim? Life is a mystery, and I think that if this was something we accepted as medical professionals, we would be a lot more effective in face of “curing disease”.

Anyway, fast forward to now… I am living in Germany (because of love & other reasons to be talked about in future posts). I was recently just an exam away from getting my pharmacist license in Germany. I spent two-years post graduation, learning German and trying to convince myself that my calling for now is being a pharmacist. Long story short- I failed to convince myself. This was, or shall I say is, a very, very bitter-sweet realization. I feel so relieved in my heart and soul that I no longer have to spend and expend so much of my vital life energy in trying to convince myself that I am meant to be a pharmacist. However, I find myself at times experiencing heavy self-doubt and fear that I will never succeed. Writing it down now, makes me realize that it is foolish to think like that, but regardless I can’t help myself. I KNOW IN MY HEART THAT I MADE THE RIGHT DECISION, EVEN THOUGH I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TANGIBLE TO SHOW YOU FOR IT.  I am completely VULNERABLE, and I feel so aligned with who “I” am. It’s crazy and I can’t really explain it, I am jobless, now career-less and I have more than $170,000 to pay back in student loans, but I feeeeeeelllll sooo blessedddd to be able to be here, now and to write this!!!! I love you life, you bitter-sweet, crazy painful unexplainable thing!!!

A major inspiration among many writing this article was Paulo Coelho, and his foreword to the book Alchemist, which you can find following this link.

Follow Your Heart….


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just three words that can be so powerful/empowering, intimidating, confusing and inspiring- all at the same time. What does it actually mean to follow your heart and how do you know that it is your heart that you are following and not just some desire to be good, or to be accepted, to be liked, to be rich … and to be…etc.  I am writing this aware of the fact that following your heart is not something that you can learn in the traditional sense of learning. I spent a lot of my time contemplating whether or not following your heart is something you choose or something you are called to do or is it something that is given to you. And now I feel that it is all three at the same time, sometimes more of one than the other, but one thing is for sure, it is NOT something purely based on will. Wanting to follow your heart is simply not enough to actually following your heart, it is something that is very hard but yet so very simple, kind of exactly like the paradox of life ;).

I think almost everyone in the world resonates with the feeling and the thought that they want follow their hearts, but why does it seem that so little of us are doing it or are able to do it? In the end we are all united in that we want to be happy and we want to love and be loved. So the question than becomes …why are we suffering, why is the earth suffering, why are we so disconnected from ourselves and from each other, why are there wars going on and why are hundreds of thousands of people dying from hunger and violence. WHY? WHY? WHY? Maybe, just maybe it is because we are not following our hearts… Maybe the purpose of life is to be happy and to love, and to follow your heart. Maybe the people that are born into impoverished communities, live with this truth everyday. Even though they may not have enough food, or clothes, or money, maybe they are closer to the TRUTH then we (we being those of us who have the luxury of being able to sit in front of the computer and read this) are, because they know that they were not created in vain and they will not die in vain and that they are loved.

My name is Aisha and I am 25 years old.  The time has come for me to finally follow my heart and use it as my guide in life and in all aspects of life <3.